Thursday, January 10, 2019

Legionarium Chapter One (Rough Draft)

The following is an early draft of my upcoming Shonen/Urban Fantasy book Legionarium. Apologize if it seems shoddy at the moment, I will be polishing it once the full manuscript is complete. for now, enjoy this sneak preview.


Yoshina dashed through the halls, zigzagging through groups of students. Gaze shifting to the numbered signs above the sliding doors, with no sign of her classroom adding to her panic. She had hoped to make a good impression on her first day of high school, but after the orientation for the First-Year students concluded, she had lost sight of her friend and had spent several minutes running around the building like a lost puppy as the homeroom bell rang.
She rounded the corner and looked up to the row of signs, relief washing over her when she spotted one labeled Class 1-E. She hurried forward and slid the door aside.
“S-Sorry I’m late!” She said between gasps of breath.
The stares of her new classmates weighed down on Yoshina as she walked in and gave a quick bow to the teacher. “You must be our final student.” He said.
“Yes Sensei,” Yoshina brushed aside a rouge lock of her long, orange hair from her face and turned toward the class. “My name is Takashita Yoshina, and I look forward to getting along with all of you. Please take care of me!” She gave another bow before making her way to the vacant desk in the back, whispers breaking out amongst them about the odd girl before them.
Yoshina took her seat as the teacher continued his lecture. She sighed and straighten out the skirt of her gray drab uniform, doing her best to ignore the stinging soreness in your feet.
This was not the impression she wanted to make, but at least she had three years to make up for it.
She looked back up to the teacher, and from the corner of her eye spotted an attentive boy her age two rows ahead taking down notes. His jet-black hair was slicked back, save for a few small strands that dangled over his forehead. She smiled, relieved to have at least one familiar face here with her.
The hours passed by, and as lunch period began, that same boy approached Yoshina’s desk as she opened her bento box. “Nice introduction you made their earlier.” He joked.
With a huff, Yoshina looked away and proceeded to eat. “I’m not speaking to you. Not after you ditched me after the orientation.”
“You’re the one who wanted to have a quick look around the school before class started, remember?” He said.
“Well yeah, but you could’ve at least stayed with me.” Yoshina said. “I really expected better of you.”
 “Alright I’m sorry, I’ll be sure to bring a leash with me next time.” He said.
“Very funny Jinn-Kun.” Yoshina laughed.
With a grin, Jinn opened his own bento and eat along with her. Having known him since they were children, Kamida Jinn was perhaps the kindest person she had ever met, and rather handsome, going by the number of girls in their class ogling him.
Another boy approached from behind Jinn and patted him on the back. “Yo Jinn, who you hangin’ with buddy?” He asked.
“Hey Teijō.” Jinn said. “Yoshina, this Ueda Teijō, he was a classmate of mine back at junior high.”
“Nice meeting you, Teijō.” Yoshina said.
Teijō leaned in and starred at Yoshina keenly, eyes darting up and down the girl’s face. After a minute of silence, he grinned and looked back at Jinn, “Dude, you have some really good taste in girls. She’s cute as all hell.”
“Teijō!” Jinn shouted.
“Uh…thank you.” Yoshina looked away, face burning red. Jinn, flustered, stood from his seat and pulled Teijō away from her desk. The two stood near the classroom door and exchanged words, though the chestnut-haired boy laughed most of the time, much to Jinn’s dismay. Hard to believe the two of them were on any good terms.
“Must they cause such a ruckus on the first day?” Yoshina turned back to the crowd as a pair of girls approached. The first girl, whose cream-colored hair was fashioned into two long ponytails, let out a derisive sigh at the two arguing boys. “Let me guess: Fighting over for your affection, right?” She asked Yoshina.
“What? No!” Yoshina replied.
“I thought as much,” She laughed, “I mean, if there’s any girl in this class whose worthy of the effort, it’s me.”
Somebody has a high opinion of themselves. “And you are who exactly?” Yoshina asked.
“I suppose it’s only natural you don’t know, you did show up late after all.” The girl replied, “I am Yoshikawa Sayuri. Daughter to the wealthiest family in Ōsaka. You’d do well to remember that.”
“T-there’s no need to be rude Sayuri-San.”  Another girl followed meekly behind Sayuri, thick-rimmed glasses were placed over her eyes, and her dark hair was tied into a large bun. “M-my name is Mizuno Chitako, it’s nice to meet you Yoshina-San.”
“Likewise, Chitako.” Yoshina smiled.
The two boys finished their own conversation and reconvinced at Yoshina’s desk. Teijō looked to the two new girls that had joined their little group. “Okay Jinn, you can keep your friend. I’ll settle with getting to know these two instead.” He said with wink to Sayuri and Chitako. “How’s it going ladies?”
With a small yelp, Chitako stumbled back behind Sayuri, who only sneered at Teijō. “Is that anyway to talk to a lady? Didn’t your parents teach you any better?”
Yoshina sighed as the two went back and forth. Nice little group you got there Yoshina.
“Sorry about all that.” Jinn took his seat across from her. “Teijō wasn’t the most popular guy back in our old school. I guess he really wants to change that here.”
“It’s fine,” Yoshina said. “I should’ve expected something like this. Just not on the first day.”
“Indeed.” Jinn laughed. “And I see you got to know some of our classmates as well.”
“Yeah,” Yoshina said, glancing back at Sayuri chiding Teijō while Chitako tried to pull the two of them apart. “Guess we got a few things to adjust to.”
Grinning, Jinn raised his juice box to her, “Here’s to three years of nonstop high school nonsense.”
Yoshina suppressed a laugh and raise her own juice in response. The two toasted, and it then that she noticed the bandage wrapped around his hand, a large brownish spot seeping through the cloth.
“What happened to your hand? Did you get in an accident?” She asked.
The sudden look of alarm on his face caught her by surprise, the juice box slipped from his grip and landed on the desk, a small river of liquid escaping through the straw. Jinn pulled his hand away from view. “Just fumbled around with a knife back home and got cut for my troubles.” He said.
“Are you sure?” Yoshina said, “That seems to be happening with you a lot lately.”
“I’m fine Yoshina,” beads of sweet formed on Jinn’s face. “Come on, let’s finish eating before lunch ends.”
She wanted to say more, but he averted her stare and continued eating in silence. Since junior high, she had seen Jinn with injuries on more than one occasion. At first it was nothing more than a few bruises, but then those bruises became cuts, and even a broken arm at one point. Yoshina had asked him constantly what was wrong, and she only ever got silence or a vague response from him. It wasn’t enough for her.
She stretched out an arm and grasp his bandaged hand. “Listen, I don’t know what it is that gets you so banged up, but you can tell me if anything’s wrong. You’ve always been there for me, and I want to be there for you when you need it.”
Jinn looked back up to her, the words stuck in his throat. “Yoshina…”
“Ha! I knew it!” Teijō’s booming voice broke the tension between them. “I knew you two were an item!”
Both Yoshina and Jinn looked back to the others. While Teijō was busy boasting, Sayuri gave them a sly smirk while Chitako stood behind her giggling. The two realized what their moment looked like and pulled away, struggling to come up with the best excuse they could muster.

The incessant pulsing radiated throughout his whole body, the voices in his head grew louder as he scrambled through his toolbox. On and on, they told him—commanded him—to get on with the task, and he would. He just needed to bide his time just a little longer.
He had slaved away for years as a meager teacher in this school. Mocked by students and faculty alike. His whole life wasted away through a string of misfortunes. He cursed the world for it all and wanted to change his fate. And a chance to get back at the people who belittled him along the way.
That was when the voices started talking to him. Soft whispers at first, but as the months dragged one, they grew louder, and they gave him orders. They wanted deaths, as many as he could give them.
He satisfied their wishes but was careful with the victims he chose. A homeless man here, an unsuspecting drunkard there. Random folks outside of his usual haunts so as not to draw unwanted attention. The voices were pleased, and in they rewarded his service.
Odd sensations coursed through him with each murder, making more vicious, more precise, more power. He never felt anything like it before, and he wanted more.
The school day was over now, the last trickle of students exited through the gate as the setting sun bathed the sky in an orange hue. He had secluded himself an unused clubroom—the club it belonged to having disbanded following graduation last year—the perfect place to caring out his final task.
After a moment of rummage, he pulled out the ball-peen hammer he had been looking for and moved toward the clubroom door. He peered through the crack in the door and spotted someone coming down the hall. He recognized the man: Miyara-Sensei, a handsome man in his thirties who had attracted the attention of the female student body. Many of whom he had started relationships with, if the rumors were to be believed. Perfect, the world would be better off without him.
He crutched down behind the door and waited, the voices adding to his growing anticipation. Kill. They said to him. Kill and be rewarded.
The unsuspecting Miyara passed by his door, and he lunged out at the last second before his victim rounded the corner. He grabbed Miyara by the neck with his free arm, the other man dropped his briefcase and attempted to struggle out of his grip. The teacher brought his hammer up and slammed it into the back of his head.
In an instant, Miyara stopped struggling and slumped in the man’s arms. Blood dripped from the gash in his head, but he hadn’t hit Miyara hard enough to end his life. He would do so the proper way.
The teacher tossed the red stained hammer aside and dragged the unconscious man into the clubroom before shutting the door. It was time for his reward.

After the morning fiasco, Yoshina made it her mission not to get lost in her new surroundings again. She walked close beside Jinn once the day ended, memorizing the route from their classroom to the exit, confident should she not have a repeat performance the next day.
She then remembered the books she had left behind at her desk.
At least there was no one around to see me run back again. She took solace in that single fact as she made her way down the hall to rejoin Jinn, but came to a stop when something skidded across the floor from the adjacent hall in front of her.
Startled, she picked up her pace once more and approached what was a teacher’s briefcase, its contents spilled out. Yoshina looked down the hall it came from and noticed something else on the floor. She walked over and saw it was a hammer lying beside a small puddle trail.
What is that? She bent down and dipped a finger into the liquid, the copper-like smell pierced her nostrils as she noticed its color. Is this…blood?
Yoshina stumbled back, questions racing through her mind. She looked down at the hammer and saw the head smeared red. She followed the small blood trail a few feet before it ended at a partly closed door. A muffled scream emanated from behind the door, and Yoshina stopped herself from reaching for the knob.
She needed to find someone, tell them what might be happening. The screaming grew louder, and the thought left her head as she reached for the knob. Slowly opening it part way, Yoshina peered inside and what she saw sent an uncomfortable shiver done her spine.
A teacher laid sprawled on the floor, eyes blank and lifeless as blood gushed out the hole in his neck. A second teacher stood over the corpse, a bloodied knife clutched in his hands.
“Are you satisfied now?” He said to himself as he brought the knife up over his head. “I’ve given you so many sacrifices already, now give me my reward!”
Yoshina stifled the gasped that almost escaped her as the teacher plunged the knife through his own forehead, crimson liquid spraying in the air. Still clutching the knife, he ran the blade downward across his face, a gargled noise escaped him before the blade pasted through his chin, and his body slumped to the floor.
I…I didn’t just see that, did I? Yoshina gripped on to the doorframes, her trembling legs threatened to give. Why am I still standing here? I need to find someone and tell them what happened!
A flash of movement caught her eye, she turned and saw the murderous teacher’s body begin to spasm. To Yoshina’s horror, the body slowly began to raise up back to its feet, the arms contorted and split open, bone and muscle tissue splattering across the floor as a pair of long, blade-like appendages took their place. His head jerked violently, as if wanting to break free from the rest of him. The eyes and bits of skull that remained plopped to the floor as a knew set of small and jagged bones jutted out from the two halves of his sliced face, almost resembling teeth.
Yoshina’s mind went blank, unable to make sense of what she just witnessed. She watched as the abomination growled and darted its head back and forth, as if trying to make sense of its surroundings. It took notice of the corpse on the floor and teared into it with its claws, chunks of bloody meat flying all over the place.
Somewhat relieved that the thing had not seen her, a terrified Yoshina pulled away from the door and slowly crept back in the hall. Her instincts screamed at her to run, but she was too afraid to alert the monster to her presence, it still busy with its gruesome distraction. She back in hallway, she turned and made to run for her life, failing to see the unused hammer by her feet until she unwittingly kicked it aside, causing it to hit the wall with a loud thump.
She stopped, waves of shock and dread washed over her body, an animalistic roar broke the silence, and door she hid behind flew off its hinges as the monster lunged forward, bladed arms extended out. In her panic Yoshina tripped to the floor and the monster’s arm harmlessly punched through the wall behind her. As it struggled to free itself, Yoshina rose to her feet again and ran.
She bolted down the hall, heart pounding and lungs already burning in her chest. The monster’s inhuman scream and the sound of heavy footsteps echoing behind her send a further shot of adrenaline coursing through Yoshina’s veins. She turned a corner and immediately threw open the closest door, rushing into a supply closet before shut the door.
The footsteps outside her little sanctuary grew louder, the sound of gargled grunts matched the pace of Yoshina’s labored breathing. She pressed against a corner and crouched, with nothing but a small hope the thing would past her and allow her to flee from this nightmare.
A disfigured shadow seeped through from underneath the door. Yoshina only whimpered when the thing’s bladed arm punched a whole right through the wooden barrier. Yoshina screamed as she scrambled back against the wall in a hopeless gesture. A second blade broke though, cleaving the door through in a mess of splinters. The monster turned its head toward her, eyeless sockets gazing back at its pray.
Over the monster’s growls and her own panicked screaming, a whizzing noise rang in Yoshina’s ears. The monster stumbled forward with a roaring, turning away from her and charged back into the hall. For a split second, she what looked like a small metal rod protruding from its back.
Outside the monster roared wildly, but she caught the same noise from before. Immobile with fear, she could only stare out the door as the chaos outside intensified. Another roar broke out a moment later, followed by the shattering of glass.
The silence that followed became a relief to Yoshina in what felt like years. Her head began to spin as the adrenaline rush finally subsided. A new figured moved into the frame of where the door once was, but she barely who them calling out her name before she passed out.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Bronx Shogun Presents: Legionarium

In 2005 I signed on to and spent several years writing stories based on other people's works. At some point in that time, I got the idea to craft my own story and have spent years trying to come up with the ideal story.

I am happy to finally announce my first ever story is a Shonen/Urban Fantasy series entitled Legionarium.

 For untold eons, a great horde has swept through the cosmos. Countless peoples of countless civilizations had fallen to it, with only dead worlds left behind in this great horde's wake. To those who foresaw this coming force before their ends, it was known simply as the Horror.

Earth, the singular home of Humanity, was to be the next world to feel the Horror's might, but deep within the heart of the lands of Rome, a select few knew of the coming danger and decided to fight back. They learned of a secret source of power in the universe, and with it formed a mighty new army to combat this threat.

Centuries after the Roman Empire's fall, this army, known as Legio Aemilius, has expanded its strength and continues its war against the Horror across the world in secret.

In present day Osaka, Japan, after a harrowing encounter with a Horror, young Yoshina Takashita joins the ranks of the Legion. Determined to protect those she loves, Yoshina is prepared to take up arms and face whatever dangers await on her new path as a Legionary.


 I will have the first draft of chapter one posted up soon, as a means for people to have a good look of what I have in store. I will also be working on finding an artist to draw characters and work on a cover for the book.

I will have more information on my upcoming series posted when I have the time to. For now, I thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope I have piqued your interests.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Welcome to the Shogun's Domain

Hello everyone, and welcome to my new blog. My name's Kevin, though I go by the moniker of Bronx Shogun on the internet.

I made this blog as a way to mostly serve as a stage for my future writing projects, and while my first major one is currently in the works, I hope to start sharing tidbits of information and, hopefully, the first draft of chapter one once it's complete so as you have a taste of what's to come.

Apologizes for the shortness of this first post, but I will try and give you all much meatier ones going forward. Look forward to future stuff when I get around to posting it all.

Until then, make yourself at home here in the Shogun's Domain.